watch me work

installation (ceramic object, mdf display) 2022/23

The series of statistical plates titled “Watch me work”  aims to illustrate the relationship between work and gender.

“Watch me work” vol 3 (exhibition „Bossware”) illustrates the global statistics on maternity leave (source: „Care at work” report, International Labour Organization 2022) 1. the right to maternity leave coverage for self-employed mothers : 13 % 2. the right to maternity leave coverage for adoptive mothers :  22 % 3. the right to employment protection over the full maternity period : 50 % 4. access to childcare for children aged 0–2 years : 20% 5. compared lenght of paternity and maternity leave : 10%

“Watch me work” vol 2 (part of an installation with Plenum Osób Opiekujących Się) illustrates the statistics on unpaid care work, parental leave and housework : 1. division of the labour market
women 45.4% / men 54.6% (source: Central Statistical Office, 2021), 2. division of unpaid care work : women 76.2% / men 23.8% (source: International Labor Organization, 2018), 3. division of housework : women 71% / men 29% (source: Public Opinion Research Center, 2018)
4. division of economically inactive people due to family responsibilities : women 87% / men 13% (source: Central Statistical Office, 2019), 5. distribution of parental leave : women 99% / men 1% (source: Social Insurance Institution, 2022)

“Watch me work” vol 1 illustrates the statistics on gender inequality in football : 1. cash prizes for the winners of 2018/2019 World Cup women $4,000,000 / men $38,000,000 (source: Forbes), 2. total prize money in the World Cup 2018/2019 women $ 30,000,000 / men $ 440,000,000 (source: Forbes), 3. highest annual soccer wages in the world 2021 women $3,300,000 / men $125,000,000 (source:, 4. award for the Polish Champion in football IN 2019: women PLN 60,000 / men PLN 5,000,000 (source:, 5. the highest monthly earnings in the Polish Ekstraklasa: women PLN 5,000 / men PLN 60,000  (source:, data from 2019), 6. average annual Premier League earnings women £325,000 / men £2,700,000 (source: Bloomberg), 7. From 2022, the US Soccer Federation will pay men and women equally for athletic performance (after a 5-year lawsuit) (source:

exhibition views : Gdanska Galeria Miejska 2023, Trafostacja Szczecin 2022, New Joerg Vienna 2023




































