a vista

installation 2019

camera object (cardboard, wood), 4 periaktoi (welded steel, photographic pigment prints)

exhibition view: Arsenal City Gallery, Poznań 2019

In the center of the constellation there is the camera – an autonomous, individualised, anthropomorphic, partly independent entity that watches. The space around becomes a stage: its borders are marked by four periaktoi – geometric elements of the stage design of ancient Greek theatre. On the periaktoi photographs of theatrical events are installed – photographs without a remembering subject, exposed over a long time – photographs that do not depict but „contain” the performance. Who is the viewer here and who is the viewed?

Theatralization of reality happening through photography is one of the threads of Dorota Walentynowicz’s work; here events are hidden behind photographs, while the exposed anthropomorphic cameraobjects play the role of both the viewers and creators of the „spectacle”. (Piotr Wołyński)

Thanks to the Wybrzeże Theater in Gdańsk and to Trafostacja in Szczecin.


















