outside in/ inside out

performance 2018

Performance of Dorota and Małgorzata Walentynowicz for the opening of  the exhibition „Outside in – Inside out” at Museum Folkwang, Essen 2018, photographs: Jens Nober, Tanja Lamers

based on the score by Elena Rykova :  „Bat Jamming” for two performers, one piano, two singing bowls and objects

composer’s note : „The idea for this piece comes from a juxtaposition of two phenomenons” a limitless objective reality of events happening in a consciousness of a sleeping person and the unique ability of bats in fact to create a fake reality for the other echolocating animals which is called sonar jamming. The piece has a strong choreographic part, concerning the gestures and movements of the performers. Its meaning consists in: determination of the time of the sound, resonance or pause; emergence of the sound; accent on the synchronization, symmetry or interaction of both performers: highlighting the concept of the piece.”
















