flow editions

mixed media (ceramics, pinhole photography) 2017-19

This group of works consists of ceramic objects and photographic prints that have been conceived during a Flow project on the Vistula river. Pinhole photographs were created on the river, while the ceramic objects have been directly inspired by it : a series of objects called „Diatoms” reflect the shape of microscopic organizms, while the „River stick” is a glazed cast of a piece of wood found on a riverbank.

Every year, artists invited to the Flow project spend several weeks on the Vistula River. They create a community with the river, water, fish, birds, wind, plants, microorganisms, minerals, changing current, psammon… They choose a flow, which is a free and affirming way of spending time with people and other living beings. The dense network of river worlds is materiality, it is spirituality, the energy of water, air and currents. The logic of these relationships is movement, becoming, flow. In this world there is no place for the concept of resources and capital – a river is not a commodity or a water highway, it does not need dams to produce more. We love her wild.

exhibition views: Austrian Culture Forum Warsaw 2019


























